

Lots of players are shooting and practicing their shot. Many are practicing and repeating poor technique. The P2X Shotwatch is a tool to measure the quality of your shot. Correct technique should be practiced until it becomes routine and habitual. It is in a game when it matters most that your habits will show up.

p2x hockey shotwatch
Stick Selection

Have questions about which stick is best for you? Use the P2X Shotwatch across a variety of sticks and learn which one you are shooting best with. You are looking for two things; shorter time to shoot and higher velocity. The higher the P2X Shot Score the better the shot. Use the P2X Shotwatch to determine which stick is best.

p2x hockey shotwatch

Use the results to coach the player through proper technique. With immediate feedback to review, you will have supporting data and information to prompt the shooter through improvements and reinforcements of what they are doing correctly or incorrectly. For many shooters the improvements found through the use of a P2X Shotwatch will be much more than a marginal gain and ultimately the difference between a goal and not.

p2x hockey shotwatch